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Choices, Options, Decisions

These tools are not designed to make a diagnosis. Your clinician will suggest a diagnosis.

Once you have a diagnosis: Watch, listen, read and personalise to understand your options. We prepare you to make a shared decision with your clinician.

Choices, Options, Decisions

These tools are not designed to make a diagnosis. Your clinician will suggest a diagnosis.

Once you have a diagnosis: Watch, listen, read and personalise to understand your options. We prepare you to make a shared decision with your clinician.

Our mission

Our mission is to prepare you to make the best decision for you, with the support of your clinicians.

We bring your decisions to life with examples of real patients and real GP's making personalised decisions together.
We use the best available evidence, presented in an accessible way. Watch, listen, read and personalise.

Three steps...

1. Watch and listen

Watch and listen to the relevant audio-visual to get you into the mood. You begin to see your choices.

2. Read

Read the matching pros and cons decision aid to illustrate your risks and options.

3. Personalise

We help you to list relevant personal factors. Share these factors and decisions with your clinician.